The other day, a long-time QuestionPro user and friend mentioned that she just recently discovered that you could actually upload a list and send invitations via QuestionPro — from a recent article where I had just mentioned it in passing!
This made me realize that while QuestionPro is a super easy online survey tool that helps you make better business decisions, it’s also loaded with all kinds of features you may not have realized existed.
So today, I’m going to outline three features that I use all the time that you may not have realized were available.
Respondent Tracking and Statistics: This wonderful feature allows you to dig into each response and see how each respondent answered your entire survey. This is a feature you will use if you’re doing a customer research project where you actually uploaded a list of emails and sent them an email invitation. What’s bound to happen is that you are most likely going to see an open ended response that interests you and you’ll want to see how this particular person answered the entire survey. It will give you a deeper context and allow you to get where your respondents are coming from.
Let’s say you were doing a customer satisfaction survey and you wanted to look at the “negative” comments. As you read through the comments, you might see one that interests you and you might wonder what else that person had to say in the rest of the survey. Simply click on the response ID and you will see that respondent’s answers for the entire survey.
Action Alerts: This is another amazing feature that often goes unnoticed. Action Alerts are only available for the “Corporate License” but let me tell you — the sheer marketing and customer service value of having and using this feature are TOTALLY worth it. Action Alerts emails you a notification when someone answers in a particular way to your questions in your survey. For example, if you had a “Satisfaction” question and you would like send out an email to your Customer Service Manager, every time someone chooses a low satisfaction score you simply create an action alert and include the email addresses of everyone you want to receive the alert along with a message such as “check out this response”!
Of course these are great for “Negative” responses and will allow your team to immediately reach out to your customer and fix any problems. But another wonderful way to use action alerts is to get a notification when someone gives you a Stellar rating on something — this will allow you to give out Kudos to your team for a job well done.
Then there are creative marketing ways to use action alerts. You can create an action alert when someone clicks on a specific product or service . This will help you engage with them early on and collect additional market research information and feedback on a new product or targeted product you are working on.
Customize Surveys with Your Brand or Logo: This is one of those obvious features, that you may not have realized that you had — or — maybe you thought it was a lot harder than you could muster. QuestionPro not only has a broad (and improved) series of customizable templates, even a novice or programming dummy (like me) can create gorgeous custom-enterprise level surveys by simply uploading a simple banner or logo.
The most basic thing you can do is upload a logo. This is as easy as selecting your logo on your computer and uploading it. (see above). The next thing you can do is customize your theme by either picking an existing theme that matches your colors — OR — you can actually pick exactly the colors in your logo and enter the HTML color codes and voila!
It’s just that easy.
So those are my three QuestionPro features for today. Do you have a QuestionPro feature you just LOVE or recently discovered? Tell us all about it and how you use it in the comments below!
[…] Three Features You Might Have Overlooked […]