Behavior Change, can it be fun?
Ultimately, yes? But, that’s rare, isn’t it?
If the incentives are there, if the change answers 3 questions from the perspective of those whose behavior is meant to change then…yes, maybe.
Those 3 questions are:
* What’s in it for me?
* Why should I care?
* Why should I believe?
Watch this video. Do you think it’s inspiring? (Hint: I did. But that’s just me. What’s your thoughts?) See if the solution it presents answers those 3 questions. (Hint: I did. But, that’s just me…)
Link and more on this story at Innovation in Practice.
About the author: Zane Safrit’s passion is small business and the operations excellence required to deliver a product that creates word-of-mouth, customer referrals and instills pride in those whose passion created it. He previously served as CEO of a small business. Zane’s blog can be found at Zane Safrit.