QuestionPro has made Market Research as simple as it could get for Students. It has provided students a conducive platform to conduct primary research ,collect qualitative feedback and then analyse using various statistical tools. In short QuestionPro’s Online Software is a one stop solution to carry out market research.The software has a user friendly User Interface which helps students to conduct the research in just 3 simple steps.
1.Create surveys using over 33 Question types, Templates ,Themes and Brand Logos.
2.Distribute the survey to multiple respondents by just a click.
3.Analyse results based on the inputs of the respondents by built in statistical tools.
QuestionPro has a University License to meet the customized requirements for the Students.There is also an online training module for every account along with on-boarding experts to help Students. QuestionPro understands how crucial Market Research is in reducing the risk factor in every field,thus it acts as a poka-yoke to avoid errors. QuestionPro also encourages students to perform field research with their “QuestionPro Offline App” which can be used to collate feedback without Internet connectivity on their Mobile Devices and IPads.
QuestionPro also specialises in bringing awareness amongst students to be accurate while conducting research,by their training sessions held at different Universities and has trained more than 20 Universities in India till date. Institutions interested in enrolling for in the Academic License for Educational Institutions in India program can visit the QuestionPro University Signup Portal.