QuestionPro Academic license gives access to a variety of online survey questions and advanced online survey tools for academic research. Online surveys for survey research are very easy to create and guaranteed will deliver the results you’re looking to achieve. We understand what an important role online surveys for academic research play in educational projects, thus through QuestionPro Academic survey program we enable you to plan and conduct quantitative research, qualitative research, create polls, online questionnaires, and online surveys. Below are some key points to keep in mind when designing online surveys for academic research.
Online Surveys for Academic Research – Design
Designing the survey accurately will help you to gather the data you need to make crucial decisions. You must choose the right topic, select the correct questions and pick the right online survey question types. The design of your survey will totally depend on the type of survey and the target audience.
It is very important to keep your survey as short as possible; it should not be overwhelming with a lot of questions, in that case, people will either refuse to fill or get bored halfway through.
Academic Research Design:
Research design provides a base to your research problem. Here, you are testing a theory, to assess a program or understand an occurrence or a fact, which you have observed.
Most of the researchers begin to conduct their research far too early before they decide on the main concept/problem they are trying to achieve. All the design issues should be analyzed and corrected at a prior stage so that the conclusions drawn are strong and valid.
Here are the basic steps to keep in mind for survey design :
- Identify the research problem, explaining the reason of why it has been selected.
- Review and incorporate on the data you have collected for your research, which addresses the research problem,
- Setting up a hypothesis.
- Analyzing the data important for a sufficient testing of the hypotheses and explain the steps of data gathering
- Define the analysis of the hypotheses, which is proved to be true or false.
- Finally, review the literature of studies that has been used for the research design. This can help you in writing your conclusion.
Collecting Survey Data
Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on basis of interest, in a correct authentic way so that one can answer the specific research questions, test hypotheses, and predict outcomes. The data collection component of research is similar to all fields of study. While methods vary by industry rules and regulations. The emphasis on ensuring accurate and honest collection is always the most important thing.
Regardless of any type of research one is conducting, be it quantitative or qualitative, accurate data collection is essential to maintaining the integrity of research.
Effective Online Survey Sampling
Survey Sampling is all about defining the right kind and number of participants in your sample group, this process is known as sampling. It is one of the important steps in designing/conducting surveys. There are few factors to keep in mind when you perform Survey Sampling
- Main Concept
Understanding and finalizing the population before they begin with the survey. This is especially critical for surveys that track changes across time and space where we need to be confident that any change we see in our data reflects real change.
- Diversity
Ensuring diversity in the sample portions of the population and get them participated can be tedious. But the sample population must be as diverse so that we can get answers from a variety of people.
- Clarity
There are several constraints that determine the size and structure of the population. It is crucial that researchers discuss these limitations and maintain transparency about the procedures followed while selecting the sample so that the results of the survey are seen with the right perspective.
Sampling methods can broadly be classified as probability and nonprobability.
Response Analysis
Response analysis helps in analyzing response data to determine how a direct marketing campaign has actually performed in the past. Response analysis is usually done prior to the completion of a campaign in order to predict the end result.
Online Survey Reporting
There are few important points to keep in mind for survey reporting.
All the reports need to be educational, relevant to the target audience and customized to the individual or the company needs. Reports can be presented as visual presentations, written, or electronic reports. The Way You Present Survey Results Makes a Big Difference.
A comprehensive, formal report generally includes the following elements:
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Summary
- Purpose of the research
- Survey Sample
- Research Methodology
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- Appendix
- Contact Information