One of the really fantastic things about online research lately has been its ability to shape-shift from a survey that occurs as a nuisance to something that can actually serve as a lead generation tool.
Here are some creative ways to use your QuestionPro of Survey Analytics tools to generate new leads for your business.
The most important thing to do when you’re using your website as a customer lead magnet is to create a landing page that uses an opt-in form.
Once your prospect enters their information into the opt-in form, they will receive a double-opt in email. Inside of that email, include a link to your survey.
Following is a list of creative ways to use your online survey to generate leads.
- Create a quiz. Why not give your website visitors an opportunity to test their knowledge on a specific topic. Let them take the quiz and then as a finishing option, direct them to a page on your site that has the answers written out and explained.
- Outline a needs assessment. Another creative way to use your online survey tool is to create a customer needs assessment. When your prospect fills out the form, they get forwarded to an assessment that asks them questions about their product or service needs. After they’ve submitted their assessment, forward them to a landing page on your site where they can click to schedule an appointment with a sales person. You can even insert a link to a calendar tool like Tungle that shows your representatives available dates and times.
- Personality test. Who can resist a personality profile? If you really wanted to get creative, you could create a personality survey test by using the logic and branching features. You’ll have to take some time to map out the logic and algorithm for how you will put people into a specific personality profile, but once you’ve got the logic worked out, you’ll be satisfied with the results.
- Product evaluation. Everyone loves to give their two cents and opinion on a variety of products. You can create a series of short surveys about a specific product and then have people opt-in to review it.
- Customer qualification. It’s common practice to qualify survey respondents to make sure they match your sample requirements. Why not do the same thing with potential leads or customers? Ask them your top seven qualifying frustrations and when they finish the survey — send them to a page that specifically outlines the features and benefits that solve their problem.
What are some creative ways that you’ve used your QuestionPro online survey tool to generate new leads for your business?