Teach For America works in partnership with communities in more than 50 regions across the country to expand educational opportunity for children living in poverty. Founded in 1990, Teach For America recruits and develops a diverse corps of outstanding leaders to make an initial two-year commitment to teach in high-need schools, where they make a profound impact on their students and gain context, clarity, and conviction to lead a life of impact from any sector or field they choose. A customer for over two years, Teach For America uses QuestionPro to capture feedback via online surveys to in order to make data-driven business decisions.
Capturing The Current Landscape Through Online Surveys
As a leadership development organization, the greatest challenge Teach For America (TFA) faces is how to attract and recruit promising and diverse leaders who are passionate about education and equity amidst an ever-changing economic landscape. Teach For America’s strategic wing of the recruitment and admission team uses QuestionPro to survey graduating college students and currently enrolled TFA participants to better understand the ever-changing recruitment landscape, and the Generation Z student population. In conjunction with historical data, competitor analysis, and surveys, the strategic team is able to identify data-driven opportunities to meet new recruitment goals and business objectives.
LEARN ABOUT: Lead Generation Survey
Implementing Data-Driven Solutions Requires a Partner With The Same Values and Resources
Teach For America started with QuestionPro as a monthly account. With the organization prioritizing data analysis as the core for all current and future business strategies, Teach For America needed a tool that offered unique tools and services that was easy to learn and use. Conjoint analysis projects are easy to program and incorporate into a comprehensive survey, while the analytics and reporting tools offer many reporting options to customize, filter, and share within the organization. When running into survey programming or errors or reporting bugs, QuestionPro’s support team were available 24/7 to respond and offer an efficient solution in a timely manner. Lastly, they were very pleased with the simple gift card redemption program built into the survey. Their positive experience resulted in Teach for America signing an annual contract, and more departments within the organization looking forward to working with the TFA strategy team to run additional surveys for deepened insights.
Major Benefits For a Great Value
Great relationships must come with great benefits and value in action. After working with Questionpro, Teach For America has seen the following:
- The value of data-driven insights is stronger today as an organization.
- Teach For America has been able to efficiently collect important data that influence the decision-making process from team to the executive level.
- Seeing the value of the data collected, surveying has become more popular across all internal and external groups affiliated with Teach For America.
- TFR’s recruitment and admission team is well informed and is able to help answer ‘why’ to explain specific scenarios in an ever-changing economic environment.
“Compared to others, QuestionPro is user extremely friendly and data-driven with reports and analytics ready for you. It’s easy to add and edit questions, and I can teach my colleagues how to use it in less than 10 to 20 minutes.” – Alita Haque, Director of Strategy with Teach For America.