In the 21st century, data is the main ingredient to make insightful decisions. If ingredients possess the capability to make or break a recipe, the quality of data also has a pivotal role in making or breaking essential business decisions. According to Gartner’s research, poor data quality amounts to an average annual loss of $15 million. Bad data leads to strategic mistakes, and in no way, it is possible to go back in time and make corrections. Moreover, bad data results in weakening the competitive stance of a business leading to loss of opportunities. In short, companies have to be very sure about the quality of the data they are using. With technology advancements, enhancing the quality of information is easily accessible.
At QuestionPro, we understand the importance of useful quality data; this is why we have come up with a new feature that will help you filter out the bad, duplicate or repetitive data and go ahead only with the useful data. Now marketers, researchers, and surveyors can conduct online surveys without worrying about the quality of data, as it is our lookout. You focus on identifying business segments needing empowerment, how to empower them, drive strategies, and that too by meeting your revenue goals.
About QuestionPro Data Quality Tool
Access to data has always been more comfortable, but now access to high-quality information is within your reach. Now you can easily ensure maximum engagement for each of your surveys and find elaborate relevancy and intended revenue results in each of your survey campaigns. Enhanced confidence in the quality of data enables businesses to gain higher business performance supporting the next best-intended action.
The data quality tool is developed with a vision to self-diagnose and flag the bad, duplicate, or repetitive data without human intervention. The result? Better, reliable, and good quality of data. Since the tool can access each answer, it has full control to find out duplicate values, spikes, and spoofing to present only the useful quality data.
With QuestionPro’s data quality tool we promise to provide you with data that is
- Accurate: regardless, how many respondents have taken your survey, from what location and from what device
- Complete: flagging missing, duplicate, copied, and repetitive data; thus, what is presented is a comprehensive data.
- Standardized: errors are avoided by standardizing each response in a correct format, especially when the data sets are numerous.
- Credible: the survey responses are always from reliable sources, but when they are not, such responses are flagged to be removed from the data set.
- Timely: Irrelevant to the device used and time is taken to complete the survey, the data quality tool will always present you with accurately interpreted data collected from multiple devices.
Currently, the data quality tool is applicable to check and flag data quality of only the open-ended text questions. It can flag the wrong data in two ways
One word answers:
Works for the open-ended questions where the respondent responses to a particular question with a single word, when a brief explanation is expected. The tool is designed to flag all the responses containing less than or equal to three characters.
Duplicate text across responses:
It also works for the open-ended questions and flags the duplicate answers across the responses. Here the first original answer is spared, and the subsequent reactions are flagged as duplicate.
How does Data Quality Tool Works?
Before going forward, you need to understand that to work effectively; the data quality management tool needs to be activated before distributing the survey. The tool won’t work on existing survey responses as it is designed to filter new incoming data. Now let’s take a look at how quality data tool works
- Login into your QuestionPro account
- Go to ‘Surveys’
- Select a Survey
- Go to ‘Analytics’ >> ‘Manage Data.’
- Under ‘Manage Data’ select ‘Data Quality’ option
- Enable ‘Data Quality’ Option
- Enable both the options listed under it
- ‘One Word Answer’ & ‘Duplicate Texts Across Responses’
- To access the quality data
- Go to Surveys again
- Select the survey
- Go to ‘Analytics’ >> ‘Dashboard.’
- Select the option ‘Responses’
- When you select Responses
- The screen that appears shows the flagged data (small red flag can be seen under ‘Response ID’ )
Additional features in the data quality tool
- You can view supported question types, i.e., questions in your surveys which will be scrutinized for bad data by going to the ‘Manage Data’ tab
- A popup appears displaying the specific questions supported in the survey
- You can check the data quality score using the data quality tool
- Go to ‘Data Quality’ tab
- You will get the details of the question, answer, and the reasons for flagging
- You can also view the ‘Data Quality Score.’
- The data quality score has an inverse relation with the data quality
- A higher score implies poor data quality
- The beauty of the tool lies in the ‘choice.’
- The choice to unflag a response if you think it is irrelevant and again flag it if you want to
- To unflag a response
- ‘Response’ >> Click on ‘Response ID’ >> Click ‘Unflag Response’ button
- To flag, a response again repeat the procedure
- This time click the ‘Flag Response’ button
The data quality tool is made available for the accounts with an Enterprise edition license. To learn more about the data quality tool or if looking to upgrade your license for accessing this tool, please contact our sales team, and we’ll be happy to get you started.