Hey guys, it’s Friday and time for the #FridayFive! This is where we bring you relevant articles that relate to market research, small business, and marketing. Have a great weekend!
Content Marketing: 3 Overlooked Content Sources (Search Engine Watch)
Looking for more ways to increase your sources for marketing content? Brad Miller gives three ideas which you can use to help branch out your efforts.
4 Tech Trends That Small Businesses Should Not Ignore (Huffington Post)
If you’re a owner or manager of a small business, here are 4 tech trends that you shouldn’t be missing out on, like cloud storage and 3d printing.
5 Easy Ways to Re-engage Customers Before They Churn (SmallBizDaily)
Adam Robinson, CEO of Robly Email Marketing via SmallBizDaily, gives us 5 ways that you can have customers re-engage with your business, instead of going elsewhere.
Forward to the Future, Back to the Basics (GreenBook)
It’s always great to go back to the basics. Ron Sellers, writing for GreenBook, explains that despite the technological advances in market research, not forgetting the foundational rules is still essential.
How Collaboration Can Turn Customers into Brand Promoters (FoxBusiness)
Looking for customers to promote your brand? Nicole Fallon via FoxBusinss gives a few examples of how you can help take your customers and turn them into individuals that promote your business.