It’s Friday again and time for another #FridayFive! This is where we give you five articles which relate to small business, market research and marketing. Have a great weekend everybody!
How to Measure Your Progress? (SmallBizDaily)
It takes more than setting a goal to make it a reality. People/process coach Gary Minor describes some techniques you can perform in the meantime to help.
Why Your Data Visualization Should Be Like Lady Gaga’s Eyeliner (GreenBook)
Contributor David Mazva explains how market researchers should be drawing attention not only to data, but specifically the right kinds of data.
How To Start A Business With No Money (Forbes)
Are you looking to start your own business but lack the funds to do so? Forbes contributor Ryan Westwood provides a few things entrepreneurs can do to help get them going.
5 Golden Pieces of Leadership Advice for Young Entrepreneurs (FoxSmallBiz)
Along the lines of starting your own business, Susan Steinbrecher offers 5 pieces of leadership advice for all entrepreneurs starting off.
Small Business-Owners’ Definition of Success Fuel Their Optimism (Entrepreneur)
What defines success nowadays? It can be subjective, nonetheless Gene Marks goes into detail about how some business owners feel, and even provides insight into entrepreneurship as a whole.