The current state of healthcare in America is contentious, to say the least. The media and politicians, some even overseas, offer their takes on the pros and cons on universal healthcare–but understanding the industry is not so simple. Many healthcare research questions remain unanswered – how do Americans actually feel about healthcare? What are general health habits of Americans? Who should be insured? Should the Affordable Care Act stay or should we adopt the new republican reform?
Naturally, these unanswered questions peaked our interest.
QuestionPro Audience surveyed more than 500 respondents within the continental US, to gauge their perception and attitude regarding this topic. The survey was deployed to our general consumer panel and the data was collected within a few days. While our sample consists of 2/3 women, our goal was to collect an even distribution among various age groups. Whether PPO or HMO, most respondents indicated that they were insured–and in an interesting twist, 10% of respondents were not sure what type of insurance they had.
Partial results of the survey are illustrated in the Infographic below.
We have been selectively augmenting our healthcare audiences by reaching out to people who know and write about niche healthcare issues: Specific types of treatments in Cancer or for different types of therapy or as esoteric and specific as treatment reviews for nail fungus.
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