This week: who is spending the most time in the kitchen; how do ethnic groups in the US use digital tech; don’t forget mobile strategy for your customers; invitation to participate in a study about privacy practices; and boring content versus click-bait. That this week’s #FridayFive!
Who Really Leads in the Kitchen? – GfK Market Research blog
It has been a long-held assumption that women spend more time cooking than men. GfK conducted a study in 22 different countries challenging that assumption and asking some other questions relevant to the cooking and kitchenware industry. Check out the results!
Racial and Ethnic Differences in How People Use Mobile Technology – Pew Research Center
In the United States, the “digital divide” (people who have access to digital technology and those who don’t) has been narrowing. As that trend continues, other information emerges about how various racial and ethnic groups are using digital technology. We at QuestionPro would love to see this same kind of study on a global scale.
The Customer is Always Mobile – IBM
While, yes, this ultimately is an advertisement for a service from IBM, the statistics cited are worth reviewing. Net: your customers are likely connecting (or trying to connect) with you on mobile. If you don’t have a good mobile experience, you’re losing out on customers. So, if you’re going to provide a mobile experience, do it well.
Do you have an effective privacy organization? – Forrester blog
With upcoming changes to privacy regulation in the European Union, and with the constant seeming barrage of articles about companies being hacked and customer information being compromised, it’s probably not a surprise that no studies have been done to determine what is the best method of managing privacy. Forrester is starting just such a study. I’ll be curious if they will be finding best practices for various sizes of organizations, or if they find a common set of best practices applicable to any size organization with any amount of customer information.
Why you should create more “boring” content – Hubspot Marketing blog
In an age of blogging and article-writing where everyone seems to want to go viral, going viral doesn’t always translate into increased business for your organization. Learn why you want to have “boring” content on your blog, and how to find ideas for creating that content. (Hint: boring here actually means something that your readers will be interested in reading and will still attract their business.)