About PollBob
PollBob was created in 2010 to provide an easy and efficient process for individuals and businesses to poll their networks and leverage the user-generated content to create a database for market research. In less than two years, PollBob has grown its registered user base to over 350,000 with over 3 million opinions shared. We are excited to add scope to PollBob with Android and Windows products.
While chatting with our CEO, Vivek, he shared that “PollBob has built fantastic technology, an innovative platform, and has seamlessly integrated mobile polling with their iPhone app. Zach and Ben (PollBob founders) have done a great job building this cutting edge product, and we look forward to having Ben join our team. He is a huge asset, and our customers will benefit tremendously from the capabilities this iPhone/web app has to offer, and we couldn’t be more excited about the acquisition.”
What I Thought About PollBob
Of course, we have all been buzzing about this around the office, so I had to head over to PollBob’s website to check it out myself, and I have to admit, it’s pretty addicting. The sheer number of polls and users on there is astounding, and next thing I knew, I’d spent close to an hour doing nothing but scrolling through polls, exploring the most answered questions, top users, etc. Some of the polls are political, some humorous, and some just plain raunchy (e.g. Have you ever sexted someone before?). I even created a couple of my own polls, and found myself strangely excited when I logged in this morning and saw people had actually voted on them.
The social aspect was pretty cool too — you can “follow” pollers, pollers can follow you, you earn points and badges depending on the number of polls you post, take, and comment on.
So, head over to their website and check it out. Also be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think about the acquisition and whether you think you have a use for on-the-go polling.
Pollbob is currently discontinued, but we have an incredible and improved product that we invite you to explore.
It’s called QuestionPro LivePolls, you can create online polls and fun quizzes to generate engagement in events and gatherings.