It’s human nature to desire to have as much information available before making decisions. Whether it’s buying a new house, picking a college to attend, or other major life milestones. Most people will take their time researching, talking to others, and explore many possibilities before making a decision. The same can be said when buying software.But if you’re going to going to vet a software might as well pick one that fulfills multiple needs. We like to call it the ‘One Stone Many Birds’ method, and using Smart Survey this process becomes a heck of a lot easier.
One Stone – The Smart Survey
Many Birds – The Audience or Respondent Base
Smart Surveys are an extreme power tool, but they do require more preparation. However, the additional insights gleaned from them are well worth the extra effort. Here is a taste of what you can do with them:
Attributes include:
Also be mindful of user experience. Poorly written surveys with redundancies that are difficult to understand will impact your completion rates and the ability to make good business decisions. Keep these tips in mind when considering your target audience:
-Do you really know your audience? Spend time profiling the major differences so that you can segment and filter for further analysis.
-What information do you already have about your target audience? If you have information on particulate purchases made, region, etc, we recommend to use the information as custom variables to be applied to your survey or automatically append to the data collected for each known respondent. This cuts down on redundant questions and allows you to further segment and the filter data.
-What are the best deployment options for your target audience? It possible to consider multiple deployment options and use that as a way to analyze the best way to reach the same target audience for future studies. If you are doing website intercepts or mobile surveys, I would recommend incorporating our new conversation forms in addition to the standard survey forms and note the differences in engagement.
I’ve just given you a taste of what Smart surveys can do, for more tips join our Keys To Success Training Series on July 27th, 2017 at 11:00 AM PST. We will be addressing how to use custom variables throughout a smart survey and how to apply it to analytics. We will also go over our new conversation forms and ways to deploy and analyze the data alongside standard survey projects.