Why Use a Student Course Evaluation Template?
More often than not, educators put so much of their effort into teaching, creating exams, grading, and helping students during office hours. As a result, gathering feedback from students becomes another pot on the back burner.
Whether at an undergraduate or graduate level, college educators usually take on one of two teaching styles:
Type 1. Teaching the same material in the same way every semester, with little to no change.
Type 2. Teaching with a more open approach, adapting their curriculum and teaching techniques based on what they have heard from students.
However, regardless of teaching style, getting the feedback from students is inevitable—the question is what you do with this feedback from there.
Many colleges also conduct their own evaluations from students, taking their feedback into consideration to complete employee evaluations. With that in mind, educators are now finding student feedback increasingly vital to their own success—whether it’s verbal feedback from a single student stopping by office hours or a formal evaluation given at the end of a course. QuestionPro’s Student Course Evaluation Template comes into play for this very reason, making the feedback collection process easy and in one succinct digital form, so that educators are given insights that’s meaningful, actionable, and most importantly, simple.
How to Use the Student Course Evaluation Survey Template
We created survey templates to make collecting insights easy—especially for someone who wants to gain effective feedback but may not be well-versed in surveying or have a lot of time to dedicate.
To add the Student Course Evaluation template to your survey, visit QuestionPro’s Templates page. From there, select ‘Academic Survey Evaluation’ in the left-hand navigation and ‘Student Course Evaluation template’ from the menu.
Click on the ‘Use this template’ button and simply create a new account if you’re a new member or log in to your existing account to be welcomed back!
When to Collect Feedback From Students
The best time to send a Course Evaluation survey to students is the week before final exams. Ideally, students are already thinking about all that has happened throughout the semester as they study or talk among their peers and review what they learned from class, their textbook, and previous exams. Students will also have had ample time to evaluate the course, thinking about particular aspects they liked or did not like. At this point in the semester, many students strongly consider how prepared they feel in not only passing the class, but possibly applying their knowledge outside of the classroom.
Know more about our Academic Survey Solutions here!
Taking Feedback Offline and Into Action
In the end, one-off comments by students or archaic pen and paper evaluations are replaced with action items. But how exactly do you make an action from QuestionPro’s survey template?
We specifically designed the Student Course Evaluation template to help educators gain the necessary student demographic information in addition to their detailed feedback.
Student Course Evaluation (Teacher Evaluation)
Detailed Feedback Questions
For educators, analyzing data is kept to a minimum and figuring out action items from a pie chart is virtually out of the picture. Now, their focus can be on reading feedback, connecting it with demographics, finding changes that would be feasible and realistic, and making an action plan. Time is precious, and this survey template takes as little time away from educators as possible.
Here’s how Edmodo has integrated QuestionPro as their Course Evaluation tool!