What are survey questions to ask kids?
Survey questions to ask kids are a questionnaire to understand what the child is thinking and deduce behavioral patterns.
According to recent studies, many children have become difficult to handle, and it is a daunting task for most parents to understand the child. Most psychological studies suggest external influences such as televisions, games, mobile phones, and peer pressure, to be common reasons. Survey questions can be asked to kids to help understand them better and come up with ways to manage them with less difficulty.
For example, some students might tend to be violent, and some might be victims and hence be depressed or scared. Such things can affect the well-being of a child, and therefore they need to be heard. A student interest survey helps customize teaching methods and curriculum to make learning more engaging and relevant to students’ lives. In such a situation, a student school violence survey can enable the school to understand the underlying facts for the student’s behavior and also understand what every child thinks about violence. Such information can help the school to address the issues by learning their behavioral patterns. The data can allow parents and schools to take appropriate measures to prepare the kids for the real world to come, keep them happy, and build stronger relationships.
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Top 50 kid survey questions for children’s surveys
Emotional understanding survey questions to ask kids
Emotional understanding questions enable a parent to understand their child’s emotional behavior and the factors that influence their emotions. Such questions can help a parent evaluate their behavior and know if their child is being affected because of their behavior. Understanding a child’s emotions is a vital part of his growing and learning phase and is crucial for his physical and mental well-being. Using survey questions that can be asked to kids can enable a parent to keep their child happy and co-operative at home and outside the home.
- How do you feel at home?
- Happy
- Angry
- Scared
- Sad
- Other
- How much does your mom love you?
- Very much
- Don’t know
- Very little
- Doesn’t love me
- How much does your dad love you?
- Very much
- Don’t know
- Very little
- Doesn’t love me
- Do you like to go out on trips with your family?
- Yes
- No
- We have never gone on trips
- How often do your parents scold you?
- Very often
- Sometimes
- A little
- Never
- Do you feel bad about what you have done when your parents scold you?
- Yes
- No
- Do you like to go to school?
- Yes
- No
- Do your parents fight in front of you?
- Yes
- No
- If yes, how do you feel when they are fighting?
- Angry
- Scared
- Happy
- Sad
- Other (Specify)
Relationship survey questions to ask kids
Relationship survey questions that can be asked to kids can shed light on how they feel about their parents. Such questions can help a parent to understand how the relationship can be made stronger with their child.
- What makes your mom happy?
- What makes your dad happy?
- What does your mom say to you always?
- What does your dad say to you always?
- How do your parents make you laugh?
- How old is your mom?
- How old is your dad?
- What do you enjoy doing with your parents?
- What is the best dish that your parents make for you?
- What is it that your mom is not good at?
- What is it that your dad is not good at?
- What makes your family special?
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Maturity survey questions to ask kids
Maturity survey questions will enable a parent to evaluate the maturity and responsibility level of their child. Such survey questions, when asked to kids, will allow a parent to assess how much their child understands the maturity and if they know what is expected of them. A simple differentiation between good and bad understanding can be achieved using these questions.
- At what age is a person an adult?
- What does it mean to be an adult?
- From all the things you have learned now, what do you think will be most useful when you become an adult?
- What does being a good friend means?
- How many friends do you have?
- Do you complete all your chores without being told?
- Would you cheat on a test if you don’t know the answers?
- What is the hardest thing in your life now?
- What do you think will be the hardest thing in your life?
- Do you have any friend with a disability?
- Do you make fun of your friends about their disability?
- Do you hit anyone at school?
Technology survey questions to understand factors influencing your kids
In today’s world, the internet is a major cause of children being difficult. Internet and smartphone addiction is a major concern throughout the world, and it needs to be addressed by every parent, as it is affecting the well-being of the kid mentally as well as physically. Such questions can be given to children to understand how the internet, in general, affects them and what is their inclination toward such technology.
- Do you own the following? Answers: Yes, No.
- Television
- Computer
- Tablet
- Phone
- Gaming console
- Where do you use the internet or any of the above devices? Answers: Yes, No
- Your bedroom
- Living room
- At school
- In an internet cafe
- In a library
- At a friend’s home
- At a relative’s home
- Everywhere
- I don’t use the internet at all
- Please state, at what age did you start using the internet?
- How often do you use the internet?
- Everyday
- Once or twice a day
- Only a couple of times in a week
- Very less in a month
- I don’t use the internet at all
- What do you use the internet for?
- To talk to friends
- To read articles
- To do school work
- To watch videos
- Other (specify)
- How much time do you use the internet for in a day?
- Just a few minutes
- Half an hour
- 1 – 2 hours
- 3 – 4 hours
- 5 – 6 hours
- More than 6 hours
- I don’t use at all
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Survey questions to understand the development of your kids.
The following are some generic questions that will help a parent to understand the development of their child. It will give them an insight into the child’s ambition, discipline, emotion, socialization skills, and many more.
- What do you like dreaming about?
- What do you want to become when you are old?
- What do you want to do first when you wake up?
- What would you like to do every day, all the time?
- What is your superhero name?
- What are your superpowers?
- What makes you feel brave?
- What makes you feel happy?
- What makes you feel sad?
- Do you smile or laugh a lot in a day?
- What is it that your parents might not know about you?
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Importance of surveys questions to ask kids
According to recent neurological research, it is evident that the early years of a child, play a vital role in their brain’s development. The early experiences that a child is exposed to impact the future physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of the child. Understanding what the child is thinking and what path it is leading to, is an important aspect every parent needs to understand. For such reasons, asking more questions is promoted for children as well as parents. It will give you an insight into the following:
- Every child is different, hence what makes your child unique – Every child will have a creative mind and has their own interests and hobbies. Spending more time and asking them questions will enable a parent to understand their passions and talents, also making the kid feel loved and understood.
- How to strengthen the parent-child relationship – Once you are aware of your child’s interests and passions, you can plan activities for them accordingly. For example, you realize your child loves animals. So you can go along with your child to a zoo, which creates a personal and special memory for your child, thus strengthening your relationship.
- To communicate openly – If you are spending time with your child, and they feel relaxed around you, a child will tend to be open about his thoughts and feelings. Such instances will allow the child to not be scared to ask anything to you, and hence you will always have an open line of communication.
- To give them the power to decide – Every child wants to be loved and heard. When you spend enough time with your child, it gives a sense of being loved and understood. It makes them feel important, and as children are more egocentric than adults, it impacts a lot on their behavior and enables you to teach them more easily. Simple things like asking them questions such as which restaurant do you want to go to, what food do you want to eat, what sport do you want to play, will not only let the child feel loved and understood but will also teach them decision making and think independently. Such simple things can enable a parent to prep a child for his future years to come and face the real world.
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Understanding a child in their teen years
A lot of parents will immediately agree that the teen years of a child are the most difficult, as it is during this time that the child goes into a rebellious phase. However, there are some easy tricks to handle teens using simple survey questions like school survey questions that can be asked to your kids. Following are some of the approaches you can try:
- Understand and acknowledge their emotion – During the teen years, if you tell a child what to do or not do, they probably will not listen to you and showcase anger. At such times, a parent should be patient and acknowledge the kid’s anger. It has to be made sure that their feelings and emotions are heard, and hence keep open lines of communication by asking them questions as needed.
- Tackling unlimited wants of teenagers – When a child becomes a teenager, suddenly, their wants are unlimited. They will want everything and anything. At such an age, children are under the most peer pressure and will constantly try to compete with everyone around them. For example, a friend of your child is given a new gaming console. Looking at that, your child will demand the same. In such situations, their requests need to be heard and acted on according to the value it will provide them. Rather than immediately rejecting their idea, you can start a conversation where you can involve him in the problem-solving process and make him feel responsible as well. Letting the child know the consequences, and providing him with motivation will enable an open and free relationship with your child and thus help you to handle them better and teach them even better.
- Giving them space – As a parent, it is obvious to be worried, and you want to know everything that your child does. However, as they grow, they are developing a sense of responsibility as well. When needed, it is important to respect the child’s privacy and give them enough space. Intruding in their space will make them feel that their space is violated, and there is a lack of trust. So the best option is to be aware of what is happening, however giving them enough space and respecting their privacy.
- Spend more time – Even though the above point is in contradiction with this, it is important to understand that every child and adult wants to feel loved. Even though your child pushes you away and won’t spend a lot of time with you during their teen years, you should include some daily or weekly routines to involve spending time with your kid for whatever activity they like doing with you. A parent has to make sure this is not forced, as it will have an opposite effect on the child if they feel they don’t have enough freedom. For example, a simple bowling night with family or just with your child can do wonders for your relationship with them.
- Scheduling tasks in a weekly manner – When a teenager is told to do something and followed up on continuously, this turns to nag, which everyone hates. As a parent, you may feel that your child is not doing enough. Instead, you should schedule their tasks and responsibilities and make sure they know the consequences of not finishing those tasks. When a child is given this kind of freedom, they inculcate not just responsibility values but also learns to plan and execute efficiently.
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Being a responsible parent is an extremely difficult task these days, especially when you are managing between work, home, and your kids. Quality time with them is a rare occasion, which is one of the reasons for difficult children these days and not being able to understand them. However, simple things like asking survey questions and trying to understand your kids can take you leaps ahead and help you in maintaining balance in your family and a step closer to being a responsible loved parent.
Understanding child psychology
Physical and psychological changes in children these days are evolving at a very high pace, and often this leads parents wondering how to engage and understand the child better. The child development process is very complex and can include everything right from sensory awareness, cognitive skills, language skills, socialization ability, and even discipline. As children mature, they go through various phases and are exposed to different environments that impact a child’s behavior and choices. Research explores how parents and caregivers can manage their own and a child’s expectations. Using the data, they can nurture the best qualities in their children using survey questions.
There are many issues that a parent faces with a child, and hence they will have a lot of questions. A simple survey with different survey questions to ask kids can help you to understand your child better. Consider the age of the child and what you want to achieve from this survey. Although, there are a few things you have to keep in mind to write good survey questions.
- Keep the questions short and simple.
- Review the questions again to make sure that these questions can be understood by the child easily
- Provide with answers you think are relevant to the child
- Balance the number of positives and negatives in the answers
- Before asking a question, paraphrase it to help them associate the problem or situation with their life or motivate them to answer it. For example, you can start a section saying some children agree with this, and others do not. What are your opinions?
- You should always have the ‘don’t know’ option in your answers, as a child will choose only from the available options, even if they don’t understand the question.
- Reverse the direction of some questions to prevent bias while answering the questions.
Free Resources
Here are free survey templates for parent-teacher meetings to learn more about your kids as well as teachers and schools. They are prepared by our experts, however, you can customize them as per your needs.