Information and Communication Technologies are currently undergoing dizzying development. This affects practically all fields of our society, and education is no exception. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) is increasingly presented as a necessity in a society where rapid changes, increasing knowledge, and the demands for a constantly updated high-level education become a permanent requirement.
What is Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)?
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) is the implementation of technology into teaching methods to enhance the learning process.
Although TEL can refer to certain analog technologies, it is the digital technologies that predominate and increase every day. It is inevitable to perceive the evolution of education in recent years that goes hand in hand with the evolution of the available technological tools.
Why is Technology Enhanced Learning Important?
The teaching activity has changed with the internet or devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. It is now possible to use other forms of education and different means of learning, which allow technology to focus on education towards teamwork, the critical capacity of students, and the learning of values. We discover everything that puts us within our reach.
Technology Enhanced Learning combines particularities of information and communication technologies, such as speed or proximity, with those of teaching, such as learning or knowledge. Namely…
- allow expanding the scope of teaching beyond the traditional classroom.
- enable new formulas for approaching the theoretical and practical parts of the subjects.
- increase access to education and foster interactivity.
- simplify the action of sharing educational materials or information, both for teachers and students.
- invite you to continue learning and developing knowledge or to improve your skills with extra content or digital books.
- facilitate connection and participation between educational centers regardless of location.
- allow you to be up to date with data, figures and current news from around the world, and allow you to learn about other realities different from the environment in which you live.
Technology Enhanced Learning Examples
Thechnology is growing and fast in today’s world. The new school supplies are technological. And that is valued in the classroom. Let’s explore some examples of it.
1. E-books
Paper books are heavy, it is uncomfortable to transport them daily in backpacks. Furthermore, with the continuous advances, discoveries and frenetic pace of events they soon become outdated.
Digital books avoid these problems, since it is possible to read them on different electronic devices and they can quickly adapt their contents based on the novelties that come out.
2. Smartphones, computers and Tablets
Computers are not new, and smartphones are not usually welcome in classrooms. However, they are becoming the ideal instrument for developing computational thinking and promote student engagement in school through interactive learning.
3. Online Courses
Online Courses contribute to many people being able to access training and reduce the educational gap due to their characteristics: they are often free, collaborative, allow students to access the content freely, and do not require an access test.
4. Interactive groups
In many schools, it is common for parents to use interactive groups. They allow you to be in contact with the educational center and stay up to date on all matters: cafeteria, extracurricular activities, excursions, or even student absenteeism.
Technology Enhanced Learning for Student Engagement
Student engagement has been considered a possible antidote against demotivation and low student performance since it is possible to modify it with external influences and adjust the school environment. An example is the use of measures to meet the needs of students with the type of instructions that are given and the tools that we use.
Some benefits of student engagement in a school environment are:
- Increased opportunities for their participation
- Improvement in your uplifting interpersonal relationships
- Best Intellectual Challenges
Initially, technological gadgets were seen as an obstacle to teaching. The use of technology without supervision -can- be distracting for students. However, it remains to ask ourselves, what assets does technology have to engage students, and how can we replicate it for the learning process?
The digital age has revolutionized every aspect of our daily lives, and education is no different. Let’s remember educational technology is the set of information and communication resources, processes, and tools applied to the structure and activities of the educational system in its various fields and levels.
Technology can foster collaboration with students in the same room, school, and other classrooms worldwide. Additionally, teachers and students can develop essential skills by using technology in the classroom.
It’s a common assumption that adding pieces of technology to the classroom will be distracting to students. After all, our phones are a constant source of distraction from our academic and professional lives.
With most classrooms and jobs moved online, however, we are losing the opportunity to choose to omit technology from the school. Because technology is becoming more mandatory to every learning environment, you must know how to incorporate it to engage the classroom appropriately.
Using tools for learning in the techniques or study plans allows a better development in the students and better performance. Therefore, those who use them tend to be the most outstanding in the academic field.
Some of the technological tools that we can currently find in classrooms are:
- Information exchange platforms.
- Digital platforms for student-teacher collaboration.
- Digital notebooks.
- Interactive digital whiteboards.
- Classes via videoconference.
- Audios or podcasts.
- Questionnaires.
As educators strive to engage students in the learning process more directly with active learning, this means you need to include more interactive activities in your classroom.
You can dramatically improve your students’ performance by incorporating interactive elements into your lessons. Also, most teachers agree it’s more fun to work with students when they are excited.
Introducing new technology into the classroom is controversial to some. Still, after the most recent realization of how schools can operate entirely online, it’s a reality that can’t wait any longer. Thanks to tools like QuestionPro LivePolls, students can successfully integrate the flexibility of technology into their academic lives.
LEARN ABOUT: Live polls for Classroom Experience