To advance the world of experience and surveys, we are continuously working on creating the best-in-class products. Below are some enhancements we are working on that will be released for our users in February.
Plan your research with these features and collect better insights to make smarter decisions.
Survey building has never been easier and quicker, leverage the benefits of ChatGPT to build surveys quickly and more efficiently.
Shareable Folders for Media Library
We are adding folder support for media library files for easier management. Folders and files will also be shareable across the organization. This will help keep media files organized and consistent and avoid duplication of files in each account.
We have added the option to enable encryption for media file URLs. End consumers will not be able to look up the file name as well as won’t be able to download files.
We are introducing a new feature that will let users add their domains and get the SPF record and DKIM key for those domains. The user will then be able to authenticate their domain and verify the SPF & DKIM addition on their DNS.
We are revamping the user experience for Member Modules within Communities. The new UI will make it easier for users to navigate through and find similar features clubbed together under the left navigation panel.
Portal Navigation Revamp – Phase 1
We are revamping the manager/employee portal which will involve changes to the layout and organization, as well as new features and tools to make it easier for users to find what they need. Overall, the aim is to improve the usability and effectiveness of the portal for its users.
Customer Experience
Custom Variable widget – Phase 1
As a part of Phase 1, the custom variable widget which is currently only available at the segment level will be made available at the survey level
The segmented view shown currently as a part of the dropdown is flat. All the parent and child segments are shown at the same level. This makes navigation and selection extremely difficult for the users. With this feature, the segments will be shown in a hierarchical view in terms of the parent and child relationship of the segments.
Closed Loop ticket comments in excel
Currently, the closed loop tickets excel sheet does not include ticket comments. With this enhancement, the ticket comments will be added to the sheet downloaded by the users. The details included will be the comment date, comment content, and the commenter.
CX Reputation
Reputation pricing integration
The pricing plans of CX Reputation are not integrated into the platform. With this feature, the pricing plans will be integrated with the application, and depending on the plan and the customers’ usage, appropriate upgrade messages will be shown.
Other bug fixes and enhancements
- SA-10644: Fixing error in ET time setting for “Close date and time” feature within Surveys.
- SA-10687: Fixing the issue with the recycle bin count post-emptying the recycle bin.
- EC-1637: Fixing issue with a time range in response filter API
- CM-2957: Fixing the EU panels temporarily display “not found”.
- CM-2951: Fixing the issue while downloading the community members, the output link to download the file is not available.
- CM-2942: Fixing the date on the event module is displayed in the incorrect format.
- WF-3033: Fixing UI issue for table dropdown.
- WF-3027: Fixing survey page not opening, showing an oops error.
- WF-2994: Fixing the incomplete overview of the list of templates while composing the survey.
- WF-3035: Fixing translation for standard relationship in the portal.
- WF-3030: Fixing manager portal login and reset password screen translation – using keys.
- CX-2433: Disposition Metrics – Reasons for unsent transactions.
- CX -2466: Fixing the issue dashboards are visible to managers even if they are not shared.
- CX-2414: Fixing the – Select All option for the segment filter.
- CX-2419: Fixing the issue with the sentiment widget not loading.
- CX-2434: Fixing the dashboard loading issue.
We’re as excited as you are to see how our products offer a better experience to your respondents, customers, and employees!
As always, we’d love to hear your experiences and suggestions at [email protected].