QuestionPro hosted a 3-day online conference – Spring XDay 2022, for our customers in North America, starting on Monday, June 6, 2022. The event started with a Research Monday, a keynote presentation and panel discussions focused on the Research Suite and followed by CX Tuesday, with our guests and experts talking about the Customer Experience in the future. Workforce Wednesday marked the third and final day of the XDay. We had our experts and guest speakers discuss career growth and empowering the Workforce. The event was live-streamed on YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
Here’s a quick recap in case you missed it!
Watch the complete recording here.
Kicking off the day at 9:45 am, Crystal Wiese, Director of Marketing at QuestionPro, and Patrick Lavergne, Director of Sales at QuestionPro Workforce introduced the day’s schedule and agenda.
Sanja Licina, Ph.D., President of QuestionPro Workforce and an Organizational Psychologist, introduced us to our keynote speaker of the day, Dan Riley, co-founder of RADICL, an authority in people science and person experience and provides employee experience advisory solutions.
Dan is a thought leader, technologist, change agent, and optimist in the area of people expertise and the future of work. He inspires people to focus on what inspires them. Dan works with leaders and organizations across the world helping them to be mobilized for the future. He has more than 20 years of experience in HR, technology, and business. Dan co-founded a company named Modern Survey in 1999 and served as its CEO until 2016 when Aon bought the company.
Dan started with his presentation on ‘Inspiring a Human-Centered Workplace’. According to him, the true definition of human-centric work culture is the trust between the workers and organization. He believes in finding clarity in chaos and defining the best of humanity even if it’s sometimes blurred. He likes to look at the positivity of the power of what people are capable of.
Dan added that revenue, profitability, shareholder value and company values are outcomes of creating a human-centered workplace. Believing and empowering your employees is the only way to move forward. Empathy and putting your people first is the key to building a unified organization that trusts its workforce. He further shared his thoughts on the impact that a human-centered culture can have on the life of the workforce and businesses.
In uncertain times filled with bad news, organizations should not panic. Being transparent, communicative, and aware of what happens in your surroundings will help you create a human-centered culture and make the best for your organization and your people.
Well, that was quite an interesting and insightful talk on why a human-centered approach at the workplace matters, how it makes a difference, and how to create one in your organization.
Watch the complete video of Dan’s presentation here.
Later on in the day, we had a live recording of our podcast Work@Life with our hosts – Sanja Licina, Ph.D., Maddie Grant, and guest speaker, Dr. Candace Steele Flippin. Maddie is a consultant at PROPEL, a culture designer, and has a tremendous amount of experience in helping companies build a better culture. Dr. Candace is a Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer at Acuity Brands, based in Georgia she is a best-selling author and multigenerational workplace scholar. Her mission is to help women accelerate their career growth so that they can achieve the careers they need, want, and deserve. She joined us as she launched her newest book: Get Your Career in SHAPE: A Five-Step Guide to Achieve the Success You Need, Want, and Deserve.
Dr. Candace started writing her book after interviewing about 2000 women and asked questions about their life decisions revolving around their careers. Based on the various data points gathered, she found the underlying theme and created an acronym SHAPE.
S – Save
Dr. Candace found out from her research that the women who were not in a financially strong foundation took fewer risks, which affected their careers. In the United States, about 50% of the women are the primary breadwinners in their families. And so they are afraid that if something goes wrong, they will lose their financial standing.
H- Hard work
It’s no secret that if you want to achieve success, you need to work hard. However, her research study found that there was a disconnect between what women thought hard work meant. Dr. Candace believes that hard work is subjective and you must align with the objectives of the person who’s evaluating your performance.
A – Advocate
Many times, women don’t speak up for the value they can bring to the table or negotiate higher pay. So, over a lifetime a woman can lose millions of dollars due to pay disparity.
P- Persevere
There can be times when women may go through low times in their careers. At such times, we must persevere and build skills to move forward. It’s also about knowing when to step back and leave.
E – Education
And finally, Dr. Candace found out in her research that women are often less prepared for any new opportunity because they have the educational or training background. They tend to not apply to jobs if they don’t meet all the requirements. Dr. Candace advises such women to be open to being lifelong learners and apply even if they don’t meet all the requirements of the position.
Adding to that, Sanja highlighted the importance of physical and mental well-being apart from being financially strong. She believes that women must have a two-way dialogue with their employers to ensure that they meet the needs of their organization.
Well, if all this sounds interesting, catch the complete video of our live recording of Work@Life here.
Taking the afternoon slot, Sanja Licina and Patrick Lavergne talked about the best way to support leaders and how our 360 feedback platform can be a key pillar for their success.
Sanja started with an HBR article by Diane Gherson and Lynda Gratton, stating “In recent decades, sweeping reengineering, digitization and agile initiatives – and lately the move to remote work – have dramatically transformed the job of managers.
She stated a McKinsey report saying, “Having a good relationship with their managers is the top factor contributing to employees’ job satisfaction, which in turn is the second most important determinant of their overall wellbeing”
Giving us some statistics on how leaders feel these days, she pointed out a Gartner study which said 68% managers feel overwhelmed. And to get the best results, leaders must both push their teams for driving results and pull them for inspiring and motivating others, as cited by another HBR article by Joseph Folkman.
But what makes a great leader? We carried out a research study to find out the qualities of a great leader and here’s what we found out.
QuestionPro Workforce is designed to help managers give their best so that they don’t feel overwhelmed and make the most of their resources. Our 360-degree feedback model helps managers answer the below questions.
- What is expected of me?
- How effectively am I delivering on my expectations?
- How can I do better?
Following these insights, Sanja and Patrick walked us through QuestionPro Workforce features with a demo.
Watch the product demo here.
Our Spring XDay 2022 wasn’t just about presentations and chats!
The day was filled with lots of interesting insights, fun, and interaction! All attendees received a free Starbucks coffee and a copy of Dr. Candace Steele Flippin’s book: Get Your Career in SHAPE
If you couldn’t attend the Workforce Wednesday on Spring XDay 2022 North America, catch all the action here.